Drain Cleaning Machine 120V Electric - PEDC-30

by PopuloTools on May 28, 2024 Categories: TOOLS

QUESTION 1: Before starting to unclog, if the cable could not be automatically fed or the auto-feeding was very slow. How to deal with it?

ANSWER: In this case, you should check if the auto-feed unit is adjusted properly, ensuring the mark 'I' passed the letter “F” or “R”.

QUESTION 2: If the cable will not be retrieved, what should I do?

Situtation1: Remove the guide hose and try to pull the cable in the drum out, if you can't pull it out, that means the cable inside the drum is tangled.And you need to remove the drum to eliminate the knot in the drum.

Situtation2: ***************************

QUESTION 3: What should I do if the cable starts to bend and twist?

ANSWER:If the cable starts to bend, stop feeding immediately. This means the cable has contacted the blockage and advancing all the way will damage the cable.
Switch to "R", slightly retrieve the cable to reduce the tension.Then switch to “N”, and move the cable back and forth. After clearing the blockage, try to advance again.